
anyLogistix API を使用してデジタル ツインを構築する
anyLogistix API を使用してデジタル ツインを構築する

Elizaveta Tikhomirova

anyLogistix の API とデジタル ツインがどのようにサプライチェーン管理をより簡単かつ効果的にするかをご覧ください。 Excel や PowerBI などのツールを使用して、正確なシナリオの更新、合理的なシミュレーションを実現し、効率的な分析を促進する方法を学びましょう。 anyLogistix を活用して、サプライ チェーンの戦略的、戦術的、運用を改善しましょう。

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物流ネットワーク設計に必要ないくつかのステップ – その例
物流ネットワーク設計に必要ないくつかのステップ – その例

Anastasiya Malinovskaya

収益性が高く回復力のある物流ネットワークを設計するには、配送センター、倉庫、生産拠点の配置場所を決定し、最適なネットワーク構成を見つけて、シミュレーションでストレス テストを行う必要があります。このブログ投稿では、簡単な 3 ステップの例を使用して、プロセス全体を説明します。

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anyLogistix 3.2 – time windows, scenario import and export, experiments, and performance
anyLogistix 3.2 – time windows, scenario import and export, experiments, and performance

Andrei Nozhenko

We've released anyLogistix 3.2, bringing you new functionalities to design and optimize your supply chain processes. This new version includes features such as Time Windows for better simulation accuracy, improved scenario import and export capabilities, changes to experiments and performance, and a better user interface. Read this blog post to explore the full range of improvements.

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知っておくべき 2024 年のサプライチェーントレンドトップ 5
知っておくべき 2024 年のサプライチェーントレンドトップ 5

Elizaveta Tikhomirova

2024 年のトップ 5 トレンドに関する最新のブログ投稿で、サプライ チェーン管理の未来を探ります。人工知能、デジタル化、そして anyLogistix のようなプラットフォームがサプライ チェーンの管理方法にどのように革命を起こし、サプライ チェーンをよりスマートで持続可能、安定なものにするのかを学びましょう。

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Step-by-step guide: how to reduce the carbon footprint in your supply chain
Step-by-step guide: how to reduce the carbon footprint in your supply chain

Elizaveta Tikhomirova

As businesses around the globe become increasingly concerned about the importance of sustainability in the supply chain, our blog post offers a timely and practical look at how to reduce CO2 emissions. In this blog post, we discuss some key strategies you might want to consider, as well as offer a step-by-step guide on how to reduce the carbon footprint in your supply chain using anyLogistix software.

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anyLogistix 2023 in review
anyLogistix 2023 in review

Alexandra Ezhova

As we step into 2024, it's the proper time to have a final glance at 2023. This blog post sums up the highlights of the past year, including new releases, the anyLogistix Conference 2023, webinars, blog posts, and case studies.

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The future is here: how digital twins are reshaping supply chains
The future is here: how digital twins are reshaping supply chains

Elizaveta Tikhomirova

In this blog post, you'll explore the world of digital twins, focusing on the future of digital twin technology and its role in the supply chain. Moving beyond simple simulations, digital twins combine data visualization, technology, and analytics to improve decision-making. This system evolved from basic to intelligent digital twins, where they can create new knowledge. Knowledge that will help you deal with unpredictable challenges.

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anyLogistix 3.1—multi-user access, API for integration, and enhanced performance
anyLogistix 3.1—multi-user access, API for integration, and enhanced performance

Anastasiya Malinovskaya

In the latest version of our supply chain design and optimization software, we enhanced the user experience by adding multi-user access to projects, expanded functionality with a new API, and improved performance. Read on to learn more about what's new in anyLogistix 3.1.

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Navigating anyLogistix licensing options: a closer look at the floating license
Navigating anyLogistix licensing options: a closer look at the floating license

Elizaveta Tikhomirova

In today's business environment, adaptability and flexibility are not just virtues, they are necessities. In this blog post, we'll unpack the revolutionary floating license - an adaptable solution for dynamic businesses - and explore anyLogistix Floating Licensing options available for your business needs.

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Unleashing the power of anyLogistix: video recap
Unleashing the power of anyLogistix: video recap

Ryan Berger

This blog post showcases the video presentations from this year’s anyLogistix conference. From expert speakers to innovative solutions, the videos cover a wide range of topics, including supply chain optimization, digital twins, and our latest update. These presentations provide valuable insight for both professionals and newcomers in the logistics industry.

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